Mon – Fri: 9:30 – 16:30
(0)1296 340 057 or try our Live Chat

Timescales & Deadlines

We know you’re busy so we try and make things as flexible as possible.  However to give yourself and parents enough time to order and receive their items by post we have to enforce some deadlines.

Returning your drawings to our offices - Friday 15th November


The latest date we can accept drawings at our offices is Friday 10th November.  If you return drawings later than this it’s unlikely you will have enough time to distribute the required order forms to parents and give them enough time to order and receive their items before Christmas.

However – don’t leave it this late!  The earlier you return your drawings the more time you will have to receive orders and if you can return them early enough your parents can benefit from a 10% discount on orders received before November.

We will cease to accept orders on Monday 9th December

We need time to print the final orders, package them all up and allow time for them to reach your parents (ideally before Christmas!).  As a result we cease to accept orders after Monday 9th December.  The postal service is often slow and unreliable at this time of year and so additional time is required.
